Level 1

  • 1
    To start place your supporting hand on the horse’s shoulder and the Sumchi6 over the top of the Scapula.
  • 2
    Start moving you Sumchi6 in the SUMCHI HALF MOON stroke. This mimics then natural action during mutual grooming over the withers.
  • 3
    Stay here until the horse is familiar with you and your Sumchi6, on average it will be 8 strokes.
  • From here, flow into the SUMCHI FAN STROKE
Mask Group-min

The HALFMOON Stroke is the portal to the stroke routine. This stroke mimics the natural action that happens during a mutual grooming session between horses. The stroke is designed to start the SUMCHI connection. The HALFMOON stroke can connect with the subscapular and thoracolumbar fascia and the supraspinous and nuchal ligaments. The key muscles the HALFMOON stroke interacts with are the thoracic and cervical trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboideus and the cervical serratus ventralis.

The HALFMOON Stroke can link into points along meridians such as the Bladder, Small Intestine and Triple Heater.

Learn the Level 1 Stroke Routine on Our YouTube Channel for Free

Follow us on YouTube to learn about this evolutionary massage technique, connect with your horse, improve your awareness and learn the unique Level 1 SUMCHI Stroke Routine. We do this all for the well-being of the horse.